Мультфильм Росомаха Эволюция 1974 2018 Все Появления Логана

В 2008 г Вижена можно заметить в полнометражном мультфильме Новые Мстители: Герои завтрашнего дня. Здесь он является одним из немногих Мстителей, выживших после атаки Альтрона, однако большую часть мультфильма проводит в отключённом состоянии. В 2010г вышел мультсериал «Мстители: Могучие герои Земли» . Вижен появился во втором сезоне. Он, как и в комиксах, был создан Альтроном и первоначально являлся противником Мстителей. Позже перешёл на сторону добра, присоединился к команде супергероев и помогал им в борьбе с такими угрозами, как Пурпурный человек, Крии и Галактус.
Vision - a character, an android robot from comics by Marvel Comics, first appeared in the 1968 Avengers comic strip. He became a member of the Avengers team, and appeared on a semi-regular basis. Vision was created by the evil robot Ultron to fight with its creators who are members of the Avengers. For the first time on , Vision appeared in the animated series Fantastic Four, which ran from 1994 to 96, in the series The Battle with the Living Planet. Later in 1999, Vision appeared as a permanent character in the animated series Avengers. Always Together ”, where Ultron was created to destroy the Avengers, but later joined them after parts of the brain of the Wonder Man, seriously injured by him, were implanted in him.
In 2008, Vision can be seen in the full-length cartoon New Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow. Here he is one of the few Avengers who survived the attack. Ultron, however, spends most of the cartoon in an off state. In 2010, the animated series Avengers: Mighty Earth Heroes was released. Vision appeared in the second season. It, as in the comics, was created by Ultron and was adversary of the Avengers.
He later sided with the good, joined the team of and helped them in the fight against threats such as Purple Man, Kriy and Galactus. .