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Однако единственный мотор, устанавливающийся на такую Toyota, имел мощность всего в 95 лошадиных сил при номинальном рабочем объёме в 1,8 литра. Этого было явно недостаточно для автомобиля с большим списком стандартной комплектации и увеличенным кузовом. В результате Toyota Celica Camry вошла в историю, как неудачный седан!The history of the model Toyota Camry began with a failure, which, despite the similar state of the project, did not become a reason to stop working in this direction. As a basis for the of the concept of a unified platform, the Toyota Celica car was chosen - a coupe intended for active driving . The chassis was extended in length and used to install the sedan body on it - so the first Toyota Celica Camry appeared, which was aspremium coupe and has not yet had its full name. However, sales have shown that an attempt to implement the latest concept was a failure.
Knowing about the sporty image of the model Toyota Celica, buyers expected the Camry dynamic . However, the only motor installed on such Toyota, had only 95 with a nominal working volume of 1. This was clearly not enough for a car with a large list of standarda complete set and the increased body. As a result, the Toyota Celica Camry made history as an sedan!. .