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Чтобы получить доступ к силе, Билли произносит имя волшебника. В мальчика попадает молния и он временно превращается во взрослого мужчину с мозгами 10-летнего школьника (и мудростью Соломона, разумеется). Молнию при необходимости можно перенаправить на свой страх и риск, эффект от попадания может быть непредсказуемым. Captain Marvel, also known as Shazam, is a fictional superhero, a comic book character published by the open house Fawcett Comics, and then DC Comics. Created in 1939, the character first appeared in Whiz Comics magazine in February 1940. For comic book sales, Captain Marvel was the most popular superhero of the 1940s, and Comics!Captain Marvel - the first superhero, which made a movie.
In 1941, the series “The of Captain Marvel” was released, where the Superman, Captain Marvel's powers meet with magic. The wizard named Shazam endowed simple boy Billy BatsonThe wisdom of Solomon, the power of Hercules, the endurance of Atlas, the power of Zeus, the courage of Achilles, and the ability to fly Mercury. To gain access to strength,Billy says the name of the wizard. 10-year-old student (and the wisdom of Solomon, of course). Lightning, if necessary, can be at your own risk. .