Мультшоу Бэкострим The Station Warhammer Crime Зов падали Ноа Ван Нгуен

В качестве «платы» за пользование источником, Нова должен искать достойных кандидатов в Корпус Новы по всей Вселенной и давать им сверхспособности. Благодаря источнику, Райдер обладает увеличенной выносливостью и долголетием, возможностью летать и получать безграничную энергию, что позволяет ему использовать её на равных против таких сильных существ как, например, Серебряный Сёрфер. Верхний предел силы Райдера неизвестен. Nova, real name Richard "Rich" Ryder is a character, comic book superhero by Marvel Comics, who debuted in the eponymous released in 1976 by Marv Wulfman and by John Bushem. In 2011, the second hero Nova was created on his image under the name Sam Alexander. Richard Ryder was born in Hampstead, New York, and was selected as a teenager.
the alien Roman Dey, the last surviving member of the Nova Corps from the planet Ksandar, to transfer his abilities to him and make him the successor in office Are new. Day was mortally wounded in one of the battles, he managed to get to Earth and before his death he had no choice but to transfer his strength to the ordinary Earthman: Richard became the owner of the Force Nova - a huge source of energy, which gives him a number of . As a "fee" for using the source, Nova must seek worthy for the Nova Corps the universe and give them . Thanks to the source, the rider has an and longevity, the ability to fly and receive unlimited energy, which allows him to use it on equal terms against such powerful creatures as,e. Silver Surfer. The upper limit of Ryder's strength is unknown.