Мультфильм Mr Brightside BenRookScout

Мультфильм Mr Brightside BenRookScout

Mr. Brightside (Ben/Rook/Scout)

Мультфильм Mr Brightside BenRookScout

I actually wasn't planning on making this. It was just I got new effects and edited clips together so. XD Story: Ben went to meet up with Ben 23 to fill him in on his life. Ben explains to 23 that he saw Rook and Scout together. The show when Ben Rook and Scout about it.

Ben didn't believe either of them because they were spending a lot of time together. The red indicates the argument Scout and Ben had about Rook. Ben just gives up and let's Scout have Rook since he's a better match. After Ben explains 23 is and asks if Ben wants a smoothie to make him feel better. Ben said that he would like it. Does this indicate that Ben and 23 have a thing? You decide! Text if you can't read it: B: "I saw them together Ben.

" B: "It's over between us. " B: 'Just let it go to voicemail. 'B: "We're through Rook!"R: "What did I ever do to you?"B: "I saw you and Scout together Rook!" B: "How do you explain that?"R: "We were fighting moves. " B: "I don't believe you Rook!" S: "Ben, we're not together. "S: "This is over. "*Not in the video*B: "Why did you steal him away from me?"S: "I did no such thing.

" B: "Yea you did!" S: "He came to me willingly. " B: "I don't believe you. " S: "Believe it Ben, I love him and he loves me. " B: "You stole him!" S: "Did not!"B: "Did so!"S: "Did not"B: "Did so!" S: "Did not!"*Now back to the dialogue in the video!*B: "I saw you two. take care of him for me. " B: "Rook's better off with Scout anyway.

" B: "I was nothing but stupid. "*Audio*23: "You okay?" B: "Just forget it alright? I wish I could. " *Text*23: "You want to get Mr. Smoothie's?" 23: "It's on me. " B: "I'd like that. " B: 'I told Rook to stop calling me.


Новость добавлена: 18/02/2023

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