Мульт Relay Tower 1DL109 Distress Signal Garbled Radio Beacon and the Boston City Works Beacon

Пятидверная модификация выпускалась со стандартной, полувысокой и высокой крышей. Девятиместная версия с высокой крышей обычно используется в операциях ООН. В июне 1984 года Pajero были доработаны. Дизельные двигатели с турбонаддувом стали ещё мощнее, модели с длинной колесной базой получили дисковые тормоза всех колес в качестве стандартного оборудования. Pajero first debuted at the Tokyo motor show in October 1981, and in may 1982, the first went on sale short the three-door version with 2. 0 l petrol and 2.
3 l diesel) engines. In January 1983, just one year after the start of , Pajero has entered the world of . In February 1983, a was released with a long wheelbase and five doors with a choice of two different engines: 2. 0-liter petrol and 2. 3-liter turbo diesel . The five-door was produced with a standard, semi-high and high roof.
The nine-seater version with a high roof is commonly used in UN . In June 1984, the Pajero was further refined. diesel engines have become even more powerful, long-wheelbase models have all-wheel disc brakes as standard equipment. .