Мультшоу Хорошие Игры 14 Баги Приколы Фейлы

Впервые на телеэкране Маугли появился в 1942г в фильме Книга Джунглей,снятом по мотивам одноимённого произведения Редьярда Киплинга. В 1967г Маугли становится главным героем диснеевского мультфильма Книга джунглей. В этом же году Маугли появляется в одноименном советском мультсериале ,который в 1973г был смантирован в единый мультфильм. Mowgli is a famous boy based on the character of the same name from the work of British writer Rudyard Kipling The Jungle Book. in India, his parents left him in the jungle, fleeing the tiger Sher Khan. The boy survived and ended up being raised in a family of wolves.
Ten years later Mowgli became a full-fledged member of the pack and became friends with the bear Baloo and the panther Bagira, who served as his and mentors. Despite my love to Mowgli, everyone knows deep down that a boy cannot stay in the jungle forever and must return to a human village as soon as he on the care of his mother. In all the film , Mowgli faces his main adversary, the tiger Sher Khan. Mowgli first appeared on in 1942 in the film The Jungle Book, based on the work of the same name by Rudyard Kipling. In 1967 Mowgli became the main character of the Disney cartoon The Jungle Book. In the same year, Mowgli appears in the eponymous Soviet animated series, which in 1973 was edited into a single cartoon.