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Следом в 2006 г появляется Call of Duty 3 . В игру добавлены новые эффекты,такие как глубина зрения, улучшившая процесс прицеливания, преломление света в нагретом воздухе и, наконец, освещение, которое действительно стало объёмным. Сюжет игры Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 2007г связан с военными действиями начала 21 века, одиночная кампания даёт игроку возможность поиграть за некоторых бойцов спецслужб США ,Великобритании и регулярных частей. Действие игры происходит в России, Азербайджане, Украине и на Ближнем Востоке. Call of Duty, which in Call of Duty is a series of computer games in the first-person shooter genre, dedicated to various wars, including future and and space wars. The series consists of 17 main games, as well as various offshoots.
The first Call of Duty game was released in 2003 with the theme of World War II. In 2005, the second part of the famous series of games was released. As in the first part, the player acts as one of the fighters of the Soviet, American armies fighting against German forces. This was followed in 2006 by Call of Duty 3, adding new effects, such as depth of vision, improved aiming, light the heated air and, finally, lighting, which really became . The plot of the game Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 2007 is connected with the of the early 21st century, a single player campaign gives the player the to play for some services of the USA, Great Britain and regular units. The game takes place in Russia, , Ukraine and the Middle East.