Мульт Tom and Jerry 57 Episode Jerrys Cousin 1951

Мульт Tom and Jerry 57 Episode Jerrys Cousin 1951

Tom and Jerry, 57 Episode - Jerry's Cousin (1951)

Мульт Tom and Jerry 57 Episode Jerrys Cousin 1951

The short three-minute fragment from series is a 1951 one-reel animated cartoon and is the 57th Tom and Jerry short on April 7 by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, the cartoon was directed by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera, produced by Fred Quimby, scored by Scott Bradley, and animated by Ray Patterson, Ed Barge, Kenneth Muse and Irven Spence. Working titles for this cartoon included "City Cousin" and "Muscles Mouse" before settling for "Jerry's Cousin". facts:First of Muscles. "Jerry's Cousin" was nominated for the 1950 Academy Award for Best Short Cartoon, the duo's eighth and tenth overall, but lost to Gerald McBoing-Boing, a UPA . The character of Muscles makes a in "Tom and Jerry: The Magic Ring. However, unlike his debut , his name has been changed to Freddie and he was hostile to Jerry. On Boomerang, the scene where Muscles blows the bullets on Tom's eyes to make them look like bloodshot is edited out. Paul Frees as Jerry's cousin (Muscles). All rights reserved Warner Bros.

Новость добавлена: 12/10/2022

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