00:02:07 - Diamond City00:10:09 - Strange Bald Man00:10:31 - Danny :14:37 - Beauty Shots00:16:22 - Geneva00:17:55 - Entering for the First Time00:19:01 - Nat00:23:08 - The Synthetic Truth (Note)00:30:32 - Pastor :36:32 - John the Barber00:39:44 - Moe00:42:49 - Arturo00:45:44 - Myrna00:47:49 - :48:49 - Becky00:50:56 - Join the Railroad (Holotape)00:51:57 - The Mayor's Speech00:54:37 - Piper's :04:51 - Piper's :11:41 - Kyle & Riley01:15:19 - The :16:03 - Follow the Freedom Trail01:17:22 - :1:09:56 - Actually, this was likely Earl Sterling, who worked for the Bobrov brothers until his . We learn more about Earl by following a case file in Valentine's office, or by visiting Doc Crocker. I covered this plot in another video, here: ?v=.
Новость добавлена: 13/09/2023
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