An original animated comedy series from creator J. Quintel and Cartoon Network Studios, Regular Show features best friends Mordecai (a six-foot-tall blue jay) and Rigby (a raccoon). The two are at a park owned by Pops, a humanoid-looking lollipop who has spent his entire life there. The job is so deadly dull that the two friends will do anything they can to avoid it. This doesn't go over well with their boss Benson (an gumball machine) - but their efforts often result in insane escapades that delight Pops. Watch more Regular Show only on Cartoon Network!Watch more videos and play Regular show games:Check out our Cartoon Network Facebook pages: Make sure to check out Planet 1UP, where Nate gets up to some crazy stuff!! .
Новость добавлена: 21/04/2023
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