Мульт New Sonic Adventures 2 Speedrun

Мульт New Sonic Adventures 2 Speedrun

New Sonic Adventures 2 - Speedrun

Мульт New Sonic Adventures 2 Speedrun

A speedrun or fast of New Sonic 2. Without emeralds because it doesn't make if you speedrun an hack. ✩ ✩New Sonic 2 is an hack of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 with Sonic 3 and 3D Blast stuff. ⏱ Timecodes:▶ 0:00 - Beginning▶ 0:10 - Tropical Coast▶ 2:41 - Tree Forest▶ 5:10 - Green Garden▶ 7:57 - Crystal Palace▶ 10:48 - Lava Mountain▶ 13:40 - Lost Cave▶ 16:18 - Dust Desert▶ 19:39 - Dark Base✩ Link ✩New Sonic 2 (by who made this, no one knows):?✩ Social Media ✩▶ Discord - ▶ Twitter - ​​Thanks for watching!# # #Sonic #.

Новость добавлена: 09/12/2023

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