Мульт Lego Easter Story Jesus Death Resurrection

Мульт Lego Easter Story Jesus Death Resurrection

Lego Easter Story (Jesus' Death & Resurrection)

Мульт Lego Easter Story Jesus Death Resurrection

THE EASTER STORY IN LEGO ► This resource is a stop motion animated retelling of the easter story using Lego. ► I'm giving anyone who wishes to show this video publicly the to do so, I hope this resource is useful. DOWNLOAD LINK ► ►0:06 The Last Supper0:40 :55 Jesus Arrested1:18 Jesus Before Pilate1:50 The of Jesus2:50 His Death3:55 Jesus Has RisenJOHN 3;16 ► 'For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Новость добавлена: 05/06/2023

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