Мульт ITV2 Continuity Advert Breaks Sunday 20th February 2022

Мульт ITV2 Continuity Advert Breaks Sunday 20th February 2022

ITV2 Continuity & Advert Breaks - Sunday 20th February 2022

Мульт ITV2 Continuity Advert Breaks Sunday 20th February 2022

The movie that ITV2 was showing (from 2:10pm to 4:15pm) was one that I really strongly HATED with all of my might and strength. the same reason. At this point, it's not really worth me so much emotional torture, so yeah. I also couldn't really stand The Smurfs 2 (the movie that this ITV2 is actually during. !) for a similar reason: how Vexy saw Gargamel as a "father figure" (or some dumb thing like that). Now that was a huge problem and it was a bit painful . It just (in my personal opinion) put the whole movie in a negative light and . Like I said earlier (in the Film4 overnight video from 23rd-24th January 2022): "Really, at this point, I don't even care WHAT it is, if it's to do with (or has a focus on) a father and daughter, I will hate it no matter what. " This video, this ITV2 , is no exception.

Новость добавлена: 19/02/2024

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