Here is ITV2 during the premiere of a new season of American Dad. I actually don't even know which season to call it, but it's "Season 16" according to the American Dad Wiki and IMDb, "Season 17" according to the TV Guide and ITV Hub, and "Season 18" according to Wikipedia. Now how's THAT for an ? Just choose whichever one floats your boat, I'm not even going to bother with season counts for American Dad anymore at this point. It's way too much of a mess to deal with and I really can't be arsed being embroiled in this mess. By the way, this ISN'T the official UK premiere of this season, just the premiere, on linear TV. It was actually, speaking, first released in the UK on Star on 7th July 2021, see here for more info: I had also decided to record Family Guy and also included the during it as well. The reason is that this episode of Family Guy had that act by Glenn Quagmire, the same one where he attempted to kill himself! I swear, that scene and moment really hits me in a. kind of weird way. This was actually my birthday, believe it or not! Perfect day for ITV2 to premiere a new season of American Dad!.
Новость добавлена: 23/12/2023
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