Мульт Friendship Bloopers LEGO Friends Season 4 Episode 32

Мульт Friendship Bloopers LEGO Friends Season 4 Episode 32

Friendship Bloopers - LEGO Friends - Season 4, Episode 32

Мульт Friendship Bloopers LEGO Friends Season 4 Episode 32

When the Friends look back at their snow and sun video diaries, they find lots of things to laugh about. Sounds like a good excuse to make a Bloopers show! All of those silly pranks they played on each other, the funny falls, the and awkward moments…it’s the funniest thing ever to watch and makes them realize they don’t need to be perfect – it’s totally normal to make mistakes, and it’s often a lot of fun too!.

Новость добавлена: 17/02/2023

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