Мульт Bounce Tales Longplay Part 12

Мульт Bounce Tales Longplay Part 12

Bounce Tales Longplay Part 1/2

Мульт Bounce Tales Longplay Part 12

Part 2: Played By: II. Super_Legendary. IIPlayed On: Nokia X2- link to the . jar file of this game: Sorry if it looks like I'm doing horrible at the game, it's just hard to play whilst recording. I'm actually not that bad at this game.

Oh, and it took like 7-8 hours for this video to upload to YouTube (my internet upload speed is about 400 kbps), but looks like it's worth it with the amount of views this video gets :D. I first played this game in November 2011 (and at that time I didn't play many video games) and played it on someone's phone, but then in January 2012 that person lost their phone. I never played it for almost 3 years until October 2014 where I was able to play it again on a phone that had Bounce Tales. , in March 2015, the phone just stopped working. Couldn't play it for over a year until August 2016 when I got my Nokia X2-00 and it had Bounce Tales. When I first played it, it instantly became my most favourite games of that time (along with Diamond Rush, which was on a different phone, but it was on the X2-00).

I was just so addicted to it. This video was my most viewed video from April 2019 until 4th November 2020. .

Новость добавлена: 29/10/2023

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