Мульт ITV2 Continuity Advert Breaks Thursday 14th April 2022

Мульт ITV2 Continuity Advert Breaks Thursday 14th April 2022

ITV2 Continuity & Advert Breaks - Thursday 14th April 2022

Мульт ITV2 Continuity Advert Breaks Thursday 14th April 2022

UPDATE (16 August 2022) - Comment section disabled due to so many people what this video is about. This video shows ITV2 and advert breaks recorded during their network premiere of season 9 of Bob's Burgers which took place on 14 April 2022. If that alone is too hard for you to , then that alone should be a clear that this video is not for you. This video got way more views than average, yet the saying "Any publicity is good publicity" does not apply here at all as it caused the comment section to be an absolute cesspool, and would only continue to get even worse the longer I left the comment section enabled. I think it's about time to put an end to it once and for all.

No, I will not post the full recording (including the full episodes) to YouTube. If that is what you're here for, *get out,* please leave this video right now and don't waste your time. This is not the right place. ==========Finally, ITV2 has started airing season 9 episodes of Bob's Burgers. Before it used to be exclusive to Comedy Central Extra, but now ITV2 has the rights to these episodes, so now Freeview and Freesat viewers can finally watch season 9 of Bob's Burgers on TV. Anyway, this was an absurd day for ITV2 to start airing season 9.

The reason is because this day marked the 9 year of a terrible episode of Bob's Burgers. It was for that reason that I had to give the "Wendip" ship a hard pass due to how it became bad luck due to how I it on this day (see the Sky Arts video from this day - - for more info). I am aware that this is also the 8 year of a great episode of Regular Show, but to be honest with you, the of the Bob's Burgers episode Family Fracas far outweighs the of the Regular Show episode Skips' Story. It's that bad, and can't be used as a saving grace for the "Wendip" ship. .

Новость добавлена: 01/12/2023

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